I woke up early again today and Nina and I walked to class at 8:00. The walk only took about 20 minutes today. Below you can see the university's sign, and one of the campus buildings in the background.
We covered more information about hydropower today and ended early since we didn't have Icelandic class at 3:30. Our teacher was singing in the choir at a funeral. Since we ended class early today we walked down to the river that goes through town (Glerar I believe). There is a small dam that catches the water and harnesses some of it to run a small hydropower electricity plant (Glerarvirjun). The guy who checks that the plant is running regularly showed us the machinery that cleans debris out of the inlet pipe.
After learning about the turbine that powers the Glerarvirjun turbine our group was done for the day and went to downtown Akureyri for ice cream. I opted for sorbet which was way too sweet. I had to let my friend finish it for me. When we were at the ice cream shop our group leader Caitlin's husband and son met up with us. They're staying in town with her while we're in Akureyri. Even though she's our superior, Caitlin is so fun and she feels like another student in the group. It was really great to meet her husband and kid around with her son.
While the rest of our group was sitting around in downtown Akureyri I went to the bank and the post office with a couple girls from the group. We exchanged some of our cash for krona (the Icelandic currency) and bought some stamps. We then headed back to the town's bookstore and perused some Icelandic novels. We only stayed for about half an hour though because we had to get back home to head to the cookout our homestay families were having tonight.
All of our families met at a local park in a forest and grilled burgers and hot dogs for dinner. It was interesting to meet everyone's host families and talk with more of the locals. After eating we threw around a frisbee and played on the playground before heading home (I had to leave a little early to catch a ride, my host family currently doesn't have a car).
At home I just hung around the house and watched the World Cup. Sorry if this post was rather bland. It's more of a basic recap of the day. I'm really drained for some reason. Hopefully I'll have more energy tomorrow. Thursday is Iceland's independence say so we have the day off. Our group is planning a night out tomorrow evening. Goda Nott!
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