Today's class was just as informative. It's so nice to actually be learning something that applies to the real world. After having spent two years in engineering solving isolated schematics and working intricate math problems I feel like I haven't learned much about practical application or discussed current events as they pertain to my work.
Towards the end of our class we were assigned a project (with a partner) to research a state's current energy situation and report on its energy consumption, production, policy and environmental impact. Then, with our partner we are to evaluate the data and devise a renewable energy portfolio. I'm doing Texas, of course, with my friend Sophie.
Even though we ended class at 3 (no Icelandic) Sophie and I worked at the local book store until they closed at 10:00 pm and continued to work at the coffee shop across the street until 11:30 pm.
At around 7:00 pm, Sophie went home for dinner, and since my host family was out for the evening, Nina, her partner Kate, and I went to a rooftop restaurant downtown called Strikið. The restaurant has a breathtaking view of the harbor and I got to use a blanket while eating outdoors. Most cafes and restaurants offer blankets for outdoor seating. (Nina - left, Kate - right)
For dinner I ordered a flavorful dish of salted cod in chili sauce. Apparently the salted cod is a traditional dish, as in the past, Icelanders salted the cod in order to preserve it longer. The chili sauce was amazing, and dining alfresco with two friends from the trip made for an enjoyable evening.
However, my little dinner break only lasted about an hour, since I had to go finish working on the project. While at the cafe though, I ordered another cup of the best hot chocolate ever. (Also, my family skyped me!)
Last day of environmental policy and resource economics tomorrow! Goða Nott!
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